Monsoon is a season mostly loved by all. The rains, the soothing cold breezes, the rainbow, all of  it makes it so beautiful.

Monsoon is not only loved by elders but also by kids. But no matter how beautiful and serene monsoon might be, this season comes as a great challenge for toddler moms. It is a task to keep children indoors during the rainy season. Gardens, parks, cycling and all other outdoor activities have to be stopped.

Finding indoor activities for the entire season becomes a task and we often look around for ideas. Following are a few ideas for some DIY monsoon activities for toddlers. I found these inspirations on Pinterest.

Making umbrellas at home.

Things you will need-

Paper plates





•Colour the paper plate as per your choice of design and colours.

•Use a scissor to make a  tiny hole in the centre of the paper plate.

•Poke in the straw appropriately to make it look like an umbrella.

•You can show your child how using an umbrella helps us in being dry during rains by putting a small toy under the umbrella and sprinkling water above this DIY umbrella.

Making clouds and rains.

Things you’ll need –

A glass/glass jar

Shaving foam

Blue food colouring



•Fill the glass with almost 3/4th of it being water. Explain to your child that the water here acts as the air.

•Layer the water with shaving foam. This will act as clouds.

•Sprinkle droplets of food colouring over the shaving foam. This will act as rain water.

You can show your child how the water above the clouds comes as rain due to the gravity of earth. The blue drops when entering the water section will depict the rain showers.

Rainbow xylophone

Things you’ll need-

5-6 glasses/jars


Food colouring

A small stick to play the xylophone


•Fill the glasses with water in appropriate proportions, starting with less to more to full.

•Arrange the glasses in order of the water in them, first being the one with least water and the last being the one with the most water.

•Put food colouring as per the rainbow colours each in all the glasses.

•Use a stick to swipe through all the glasses and experience the difference in sound of each glass because of different levels of water in them.

•Discuss with your child the difference in sounds in each glass because of different levels of water. Fizzing Rainbow

Things you’ll need-

5-6 small bowls/glasses

1 cup of baking soda

1 bottle vinegar

Food colouring


•Line the glasses in a straight line in order to make the final experiment look like a rainbow.

•Pour 3/4th of each glass with vinegar.

•Add food colouring as per the rainbow colours.

•Using a spoon put 1/2tbsp of baking soda in all the glasses quickly at once.

•Enjoy the sight of fizzing rainbow.

•This play can create a lot of left over mess, considering which you can plan on practising this science experiment in a small tub.

Sticky rain and rainbow wall

Things you’ll need –

A big chart paper

Sticking tape



Coloured Papers cut into small square




•Stick a chart paper on a wall with the help of the tape.

•Draw rainbow, clouds and rain with the help of pencils.

•Help your child spread Fevicol on one layer of rainbow and stick the appropriate rainbow coloured small paper cuts in a line.

•Repeat the same for the entire rainbow

•Help your child stick cotton on the clouds and colour the rain drops with a blue crayon.

•This activity is highly engaging and keeps the child engaged for a longer time.

•Discuss with your child different colours of rainbow while helping him stick the paper bits.

•Help the child to learn different colours of rainbow in order.

Above were a few new and interesting activities for a child to do on a rainy day. Try them all and your child will not only enjoy but learn a lot about this beautiful season!

Picture credits- Pinterest

1 Comment
  1. Hemant Kale 5 years ago

    Wow! these are great activities. Will surely try with my kiddos

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