Don’t be surprised if you have never heard about Parent’s Day! Just like Mother’s Day, Father’s Day and Children’s Day, many countries across the world also celebrate Parent’s Day. The trend has picked up in India in recent years.
Parent’s Day is celebrated on the fourth Sunday of July every year. This year, it falls on the 26th of July. This day honours parents for their selfless commitment to the upbringing of their children. From cleaning stinky bums and tending to every little injury to giving the best education and bracing every fall, parents don’t leave any stone unturned to bring love and happiness to their children’s life. So, pat yourself on your back for being a wonderful parent! You totally deserve it!
Your kids would have certainly planned something special for you on the Parent’s Day. But why not tweak it a bit to make it memorable for you this year? How about making some promises to yourself to remind you to stay calm when the parenting tests your patience?
Without much ado, here are five pledges or promises for you to consider:
- I Will Always Respect My Child’s Choices
Take a pledge that you will refrain from questioning, criticising or judging your children’s choices or decisions, especially without listening to their viewpoint. Children have a right to decide about their education, career, spouse and even sexual orientation. Let them be their self. However, do let them know that you are always there to offer guidance and advice when they need it.
- I Will Raise a Peaceful and Compassionate Child
Take a pledge that you will teach your children to remain calm, compassionate and mindful in all situations. They should know that aggression or violence is not the answer to personal or world’s problems. Given that today’s children are vulnerable to bullying, cybercrime, physical/verbal/sexual abuse and drugs more than ever, they must develop a sense of responsibility towards self and others.
- I Will Celebrate Your Successes as well as Failures
Take a pledge that you will show your children that life is about both success and failure. Success is undoubtedly a welcome joy, but failure shouldn’t be feared. Failure gives an opportunity to learn from mistakes, find new ways of doing things and work upon weaknesses. Since depression and anxiety among children are becoming increasingly a point of parenting concern, it becomes crucial that they learn to cope with failures with a positive mindset.
- I Will Let Go of You When You Become an Adult
Take a pledge that you will let your children fly out of your nest to explore the world and let them create their own nest somewhere away from you. As you become older, you might feel a strong need to hold on to your children for a sense of security for yourself. Well, that would be a little selfish. Didn’t you leave your parents’ home to build a new life for yourself? Most importantly, letting go of your children will teach them to handle life’s challenges independently. Let them know that your home and heart will always remain open to them.
- I Will be a Good Role Model for You
Take a pledge that you will practice what you preach to your children. No kind of advice or teaching would work on your children if they don’t see you inculcate it in your life. Children look up to parents and they need you to walk the talk.
Is there any other pledge you would like to add to this list? Do share it here.
The last point makes the most sense. If parents don’t model the behaviour, how else the kids will learn.
Parents day of not, these promises are indeed noteworthy! I have given a little note to my kid which she keeps in her drawer. This note says that she can come to me anytime she fears telling me something.
Becoming a role model is the most difficult. We generally tend to preach a lot to our kids without practicing it ourselves.
All parents need to make these promises to self and their kids.
I loved the fourth one!