Mother and teen daughter

When it comes to parenting, there is no right or wrong way because it doesn’t come with a manual. Children go through different phases of life and bring their own set of challenges.

As far as raising a teenager is concerned, it is surely no mean task. This is a critical age and they might lose their direction if not for the right parental guidance. These are also the years when your kids start troubling you more than ever or rather difference of opinions become stronger.

Here is some help your way to parenting your teenager.

Understand Their Perspective

At their age, teenagers are undergoing both physical and emotional transformation. They are neither kids nor adults – they are stuck somewhere in the middle. Look at their life from their perspective and empathize with their issues.

Respect Their Privacy Within Boundaries

Teens fiercely begin to value their personal space. They like solitude or hanging out with friends than the family. Simple things like knocking the door before entering their room or letting them have their personal drawer with a key can bring them a sense of freedom. Try not to invade their privacy by snooping around or asking them awkward questions.

However, if you see some red flags in their behaviour, then you should definitely go ahead and investigate their room or mobile phones.

Act Like a Friend

Be a friend to your teen to win his or her trust and confidence. Do some bonding activities together, respect their integrity, share your experiences as a teen, listen to them attentively, offer them advice and most importantly, don’t judge them.

Support Them

If your teen is doing something that doesn’t align with your mindset, be open to it before rejecting it outright or imposing your choices. If they want to choose their education, career or sexual orientation, help them explore the pros and cons to let them make a correct decision. A supportive parent can make a teen’s life much easier.

Be Firm When Required

There are issues which call for tough parenting and you should remain firm on your stand. For example, if your teen has taken to drugs, smoking, alcohol, bullying or any other self-destructive behaviour, take the matter in your hands. Sit with the child and have a deep conversation about his or her behaviour. In case the child doesn’t listen to you, involve grandparents, close family members or any ones else who shares a close bond with him or her.

Watch your teen’s behaviour for a few days or weeks. If you don’t see a positive change, it is advisable to seek professional help from parent-child counsellors.

We hope these tips would be useful to help you enjoy your child’s teens year instead of just surviving them!

About Prabha Kulkarni

Prabha is a retired teacher, who enjoys writing on various topics. Most of her current writing is currently influenced by her young grand-daughters, as she grapples with the differences in the world they will grow up in, and the one in which she spent the best years of her life. Prabha is also a proud technophile who plans to start her blog soon.

1 Comment
  1. Harshika Behere 4 years ago

    Wonderful write-up. I felt as if I got answers to all my questions related to my teen problems.

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