tips for choosing a daycare for my child

It is a major emotional decision to put your little one in a daycare facility. You feel guilty about leaving your child in the care of someone that is not family. However, sometimes you have no choice but to do it.

Choosing the right daycare is an overwhelming task. You want to best daycare for your child to ensure that they get personal care and attention just like in a home environment. Here are some useful tips to help you find the right one.

Infrastructure and Amenities

Visit the daycare and take a tour of the premises on a working day. Look around and observe other children. Observe how the caretakers are interacting with the kids. Are they fun and friendly or rude and affectionless? This will give you a good idea of whether your child will be comfortable and happy there.

The space should be colourful, well-lit and adequately ventilated. It should have kid-friendly furniture and washrooms. It should have ample toys, games and learning resources to engage the little ones. An open-air playground with swings and slides is a bonus.

Check for the amenities such as a drinking water station, kitchen equipment and sleeping arrangement (for naps). If you want the daycare to provide meals and transport facilities, inquire about that too.

Safety and Security

A daycare with a safe and secure environment will give you the utmost peace of mind as a parent. Find out if the daycare has incorporated the following safety measures:

  • Safety locks, guards, gates and harnesses for furniture, electronics, staircase, doors, windows and cupboards as applicable
  • Locked and restricted storage areas for cleaning supplies, medicines and other hazardous materials
  • A fence around the playground
  • CCTV cameras
  • Quality and hygiene of toys (clean and unbroken, no sharp edges)

Management and Staff

Do some research on the founders/management team and staff. They should have the necessary professional certification and training in childcare. They should be well-qualified to run a daycare facility and take of children.

You should also find out if they are equipped to tackle emergencies, especially those that need medical supervision. Can they administer first aid and CPR or handle incidents such as falls, burns, choking, etc?


Unfortunately, there is a lack of ambiguity in regulatory guidelines for daycares in India. Hence, you have to be careful whether the daycare has the necessary compliances and licenses to be operational.

You should check for online revives or get first-hand parent reviews. Ideally, choose a daycare that is tried and tested or recommended by someone you know.

Activity Plan

Whether your child is an infant or a toddler, they need encouragement to achieve their developmental milestones. This can happen only when people around them interact and play with them.

Check what kind of a routine the daycare follows in terms of activities, creative free play and outdoor play to engage children.


 It is advisable to choose a daycare that is located close to your home or office. This way, you can pick up and drop off your kid easily without wasting time commuting. Moreover, you can easily reach your child if there is an emergency.

Click here to explore daycare facilities in Pune.


About Smita Omar

Smita is an ex banker who voluntary said adiós to a high flying career to explore the rocky yet beautiful terrain of motherhood. When she is not busy juggling between her naughty daughter and foodie husband, you can find her donning the hat of a freelance content developer-editor to keep her sanity intact. She has been a Work-From-Home-Mother for 8 years and turns to meditation when the going gets tough.


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Here are some sample reviews from parents, to help you to share your own experiences:

Best classes for mathematics in Erandwane/Kothrud area. Limited kids per batch and give personal attention. We had a very good experience. My daughter is happy with teaching by ***** teacher.

Very engaging and fun filled sessions for the kids .My 8 year old throughly enjoyed all the sessions. Kids get a platform to express their views on various topics. Suggestion is to make this workshop extended from 1 month to 2 months or more.

My child has made excellent growth. The teacher gives attention to every child adequately and my child is very eager to attend the classes. And the teacher also has excellent skills in art.

We have seen ***** school growing from a pretty new school to a developed school in last four years. They focus lot on academics, extra curricular  actives and lot more.  They embed a lot of fun activities with academics which makes kids picks the basics as well as advance topics pretty well.  Teachers are attentive and they provide a very elaborated feedback about the child on quarterly basis. In short it's fairly a good option for kids for their overall growth.

Highly mismanaged branch of *****. Poor planning. No proper communication with parents. Teacher retention is very low. Good teachers gets transferred to other centres. In past 3-4 years 3 principal changed. Everything they do is for name sake. Workshops/ seminars are more of a sales  pitches. 10% return of value for your money.

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