Healthy habits to teach your kids

Our children are becoming increasingly becoming vulnerable to low immunity and illnesses due to poor dietary choices, lack of physical activity, and sedentary lifestyle. If these habits continue, they may face an adverse impact on their health when they enter adulthood. Hence, it is necessary to teach them to make conscious health choices from a young age.

Here are five healthy living lessons you must teach your children:

Balanced Diet

Given that children are exposed to a variety of junk and processed foods, especially when the culture of eating out is common, it is more important than ever to sensitise the kids about healthy food.

Teach your children to eat balanced meals every day, barring a few cheat meals once or twice a month for special occasions. Take them for grocery shopping, make them understand food labels and nutritional values and involve them in meal planning and preparation.

Physical Activity

The screen time of children increased substantially during the COVID-19 pandemic. While the reopening of schools put a curb on it, children are still addicted to digital devices. As a result, they are spending less time playing outdoors or doing any physical activity.

Make it mandatory for your children to get at least 30-60 minutes of exercise of their choice every day. It could be free play with friends, jogging, dancing, basketball, tennis or any other sport.

Good Hygiene

The COVID-19 pandemic threat has subsided, but it is not over. It is believed that the world is at risk of more bacterial and virus infections in the future. One of the best ways to keep potential germs at bay is to inculcate healthy hygiene habits.

Explain to your child various hygiene habits and why they must adhere to these habits. Some of these habits are brushing your teeth, washing your hands frequently, taking a bath every day, covering your mouth while coughing or sneezing, changing your bed sheets often, washing your clothes, etc.

Sound Sleep

Children need at least 7-12 hours of sleep, depending on their age. Let them know that sleep is important for their physical and mental health. It’s acceptable that they want to stay awake occasionally for a movie night or a family celebration. But, it should not become a habit.

Teach your children to go to bed at the same time every day for a good sleep cycle.

Staying Away from Addictions

If your children are tweens or teens, they are at a vulnerable age to get curious about smoking, alcohol consumption, and drugs. You should let them know that these are bad habits and that their physical and mental health can suffer.

Water Intake

Children are less mindful about drinking water at regular intervals during the day to stay hydrated. Tell your child to drink at least 6-8 glasses of water every day. You can buy them a funky bottle or glass, or set reminder alarms to engage their interest. They should also know that sugar-loaded fruit juices and aerated beverages are unhealthy.


Cultivate mindful habits in your children to keep them stress-free and help them understand and manage negative emotions. This will help them through tough situations in life in a better way.

What healthy living habits you are developing in your children?

About Sneha Malhotra

Sneha is a mother of a teen son, and formerly an HR consultant, who is currently considering getting to the back to the workforce. She occasionally writes on HR topics and also on parenting issues - she also hopes to have her own blog soon!


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