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  • 12 Reviews on “Physical Fitness and Activity (PFA) Club - Baner”

    • madhvi
      4 years ago

      Arunima ma’am is very soft spoken and interactive with kids. My son has been enjoying the sessions conducted by her. The activities taken up engage the kids well mentally and physically. The pre requisites for the class were shared well in advance for the parents to be ready with the props. Thank you Arunima ma’am for engaging our kids so well and making them happy with your classes. Keep up the good work!!

    • Himanshi Chadha
      4 years ago

      She is an amazing teacher with lots n lots of experience.She always makes our kids so comfortable n more than my daughter i enjoy her sessions n exercises.Keep up the good work with lots n lots of energy.

    • sita parashar
      4 years ago

      It’s a blessing to have such a fantastic and energetic trainer like you . I’m deeply indebted to your diligent service.
      You are the greatest coach and boss I have ever met .
      Thank you so much ma’am.

    • Akansha Dhama
      4 years ago

      I really want to thank Arunima ma’am for such an initiative which was really a need of an hour when children cannot go outside n play. My daughter really enjoys the fun activities along with the different exercises.

    • Namita Sawant
      4 years ago

      Excellent platform for kids for their physical n mental health during these times of pandemic, it proves to be n excellent stress buster, I appreciate the efforts by the instructor,love the josh n the excitement with which they start the class… Keep up the josh!
      Stay blessed

    • Sincy
      5 years ago

      One of the best instructor is leading this club. She wisely chooses all age appropriate activities for the kids and adds fun element to kill the boredom, that kids are lured due to the pandemic situation. Her energy level is awesome and is enough to pep up the kids. And what better way to keep kids physically fit in these difficult times.

      Good work PFA club….Keep going and do well. My kids enjoy each session of yours and look forward to the next. Which tells me that they are keen and love to do all the exercises the fun way

        1. PFA Listing Owner4 years ago

          Hello sir ,
          Sorry for late reply……my class covers locomotive skills,mind and body coordination, eye hand coordination, balance, flexibility, endurance, speed , agility , problem solving skills , basic foundation skills towards games and sports through fitness……age 3 to 10 years children
          You can visit my fb page to know more details….
          Contact….9890329 360…PFA club….

    • Ashwani
      5 years ago

      Pfa club is a very great initiative and a best platform for our younger ones to be fit and at the same time for personality development as well.Thank you.

    • Shilpi
      5 years ago

      PFA club is one of the best place for overall development related to health and fitness. And I think I have enrolled at the best academy and learner from best teacher. My daughter is enjoying alot and she always ready to go this class. Really it’s awesome place for our young ones.
      Thank you PFA team and Arunima ma’am.

    • Varsha
      5 years ago

      Varsha Shrotriya

      A very good initiative as this will help counter the stress experienced by little ones in a hurry up world.

      This module will help them navigate life’s challenges with a little more ease. It will also foster self esteem and body awareness.

      This is so wonderful as my daughter is enjoying the sessions and have seen phenomenal changes in her.

      I wish all the best to PFA Club for doing such an amazing job.

    • Ramesh Chander
      5 years ago

      Pfa lub is really good platform for young children .this fitness activity is helping to my son for overall development …my son is enjoying alot and always wait for his class.its give them an environmental to beat their boredom and enjoy !!!.

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Here are some sample reviews from parents, to help you to share your own experiences:

Best classes for mathematics in Erandwane/Kothrud area. Limited kids per batch and give personal attention. We had a very good experience. My daughter is happy with teaching by ***** teacher.

Very engaging and fun filled sessions for the kids .My 8 year old throughly enjoyed all the sessions. Kids get a platform to express their views on various topics. Suggestion is to make this workshop extended from 1 month to 2 months or more.

My child has made excellent growth. The teacher gives attention to every child adequately and my child is very eager to attend the classes. And the teacher also has excellent skills in art.

We have seen ***** school growing from a pretty new school to a developed school in last four years. They focus lot on academics, extra curricular  actives and lot more.  They embed a lot of fun activities with academics which makes kids picks the basics as well as advance topics pretty well.  Teachers are attentive and they provide a very elaborated feedback about the child on quarterly basis. In short it's fairly a good option for kids for their overall growth.

Highly mismanaged branch of *****. Poor planning. No proper communication with parents. Teacher retention is very low. Good teachers gets transferred to other centres. In past 3-4 years 3 principal changed. Everything they do is for name sake. Workshops/ seminars are more of a sales  pitches. 10% return of value for your money.

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